How do we use your data?

A new feature at Everton Stadium will give Evertonians the opportunity to make their mark on the Club’s new waterfront home. Everton Way, a unique walkway, paved with individual stones will celebrate Everton’s identity, history and Giants of the Club. Evertonians will have the chance to buy one of the stones that provide the makeup of Everton Way and personalise it with their own name or message. It can be used to commemorate births, marriages, anniversaries or even just celebrate your support for Everton.

Where does your data come from?

  • The data will come directly from you, or an individual on your behalf.

What data do we collect?

This may vary based on the nature of your enquiry but is likely to include:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Payment information, to process your order
  • Your own specification, including personalised message.

How long do we keep your data?

  • We will retain your details for 6 years beyond any product guarantee period.
  • Basic information about your order may be retained beyond this period for historical purposes.​

Who do we share your data with?

  • Intaglio Creative Limited, the company appointed to develop and fulfil orders, in addition to suppliers and contractors if necessary.​
  • Data about the order will be retained by Everton Football Club.

What is the legal requirement being met for this activity?

  • Performance of a contract or pre-contract – Article 6 1 (b) UK GDPR.​​

Where can I find more information

More information about your rights and how we use personal data is available from