Privacy Portal - EITC – Private Hire

Everton in the Community is delighted to provide private hire facilities, fitting for whatever occasion you’re hosting, our facilities can be adapted to suit your day for you, family and friends.

How do we use your data?​

To manage the booking, personal information of the hirer will be required, and information processed for payment purposes.

Information on event attendees is not usually required, but the hirer should maintain their own record.

Where does your data come from?​

  •  EitC  will  receive  information  directly from the hirer.

What data do we collect?​

  • Your name and other relevant identifiers.
  • Your contact information, such as address and phone number.

  • Only where applicable - health and dietary information, including disabilities to assess any specific needs or adjustments.

How long do we keep your data?​

  •  We may retain your details for 6 years.

Who do we share your data with?​

  • Your data will only be shared if this is necessary for the event.

What is the legal requirement being met for this activity?​

  • Performance of a contract – Article 6 1 (b) UK GDPR

Where can I find more information​

More information about your rights and how we use personal data is available from